The Latest News
Here you find videos with the latest items, updated vacations or alternative opening hours and even tips on where to enjoy live English theater!
Media Buzz
Shopping Queen at Delight
the cult fashion show was here at Delight!
Check out the new episodes Monday through Friday (August 29th - Sep 2nd).
Delight is featured on Tuesday with candidate "Jessica"! We are stoked!
Go Jessi!
"Delight's Highlights"
Our latest video series of clothing highlights
never stand in front of a closed door!
Eltville Old-Timer Pic-nic
Dräser Hof
11:00 - 16:00
wir sind geschlossen am:
Christi Himmelfahrt
09.05.24 - 10.05.24
20.05.24 - 24.05.24
30.05.24 - 31.05.24
Summer vacation
13.06.24 - 03.07.24
03.10.24 - 04.10.24
Fall Vacation
17.10.24 - 03.11.24
The latest and hottest shows in town
We love going to the theater and we especially love to support our friends in the English theater community!
Here is a list of our favorites: (click on the links)
KRT (Kryptonite Radio Theater)
WELT (Wiesbaden English Language Theater)
AEP (Amelia Earhart Playhouse)
Customer Favorite
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